We put together an innovative system called the Downline Builder that will help you build your downline in every single business of the Manamas group with very little effort and with NO extra money out of your pocket.
As a Manamas member, 'Paid or Free', you can use our Downline Builder to build your group worldwide in multiple businesses by simply entering your User Names in the businesses listed in the Downline Builder and save. Next, copy your Downline Builder URL and send people to your coded website. That simple...
When people sign up through your Downline Builder URL, they will undertake the same setup steps of joining multiple programs through your affiliate ID, and then entering their own affiliate IDs into the Downline Builder page. That will be all the setup anyone has to do, and it only takes about 30 minutes.
When they promote their affiliate link/URL, their signups will do the exact same thing and fill out their own affiliate links/URLs on the Downline Builder page.
Use our Downline Builder system FREE and make your work easier!
If you are a registered member with the Downline Builder, use your URL (https://www.ireadpeople.com/?Your-User-Name) just make sure the underlined part has your-user-name, and start sending people to your URL/page.
If you are not registered yet, do it here NOW and register here: https://www.ireadpeople.com or through your sponsors URL and go to your back office. Here, follow the instructions to enter your user's name for all the businesses into the Downline Builder. When that is done, get your Text Link or URL from the Promotional Center (https://www.ireadpeople.com/?Your-User-Name) just make sure the underlined part has your-user-name, and start sending people to your URL/page. That is all you need to do!
Get all the details by clicking the URL or the picture below:
Build your downline the easy way!
Build Your Mailing List
And Your Downline
The Easy Way
Join the Downline Builder FREE:
Build your own prospect mailing list FREE:
PS: You can also upgrade from the Member Instruction page or Dashboard by paying the one-time $37 US requirement to be a paid member of the IREADPEOPLE & MANAMAS business and start making money.