
Products in the members back office

(We are adding more products as they become available)

These are the products you will
get with your $37 purchase:
Category : 
Manamas membership
Our program is the best solution to start your own business, We offer quality and reliability at a cheap price. We help you achieve your desire to be an entrepreneur more easily, cheaply and assured.
Add date: 08/03/2013 14:03


You earn Reward Points
for every one dollar you
spend on purchases you
make from this page that
can be exchanged for $$$

FREE Stage Members will
receive 18% money back
when exchanging points
Stage One Members will
receive 21% money back
when exchanging points
Stage Two Members will
receive 24% money back
when exchanging points
Stage Three Members will
receive 28% money back
when exchanging points

Stage Four Members will
receive 33% money back
when exchanging points
Stage Five Members will
receive 39% money back
when exchanging points
Stage Six Members will
receive 46% money back
when exchanging points
Stage Seven Members will
receive 55% money back
when exchanging points 
Trere is more!

Stage Seven Members
can earn 125% to 800%
on their commissions
Members have the potential
to double, triple or even get
8 times their point rewards
Join us today
and earn what
you are worth!
Our qualified members can
exchange their points for
much higher $$$ returns 

Sponsor Information

Name: Kostas Diamantakos

Location: - Canada

Phone : 4164221423

Latest News

18/04/2022 13:43
Manamas Token - MT
We created Manamas Tokens to reward our members for their effort. The Token has an initial value equal to a US Dollar, but it increases in value as you accumulate more Tokens in you back office wallet. The more Tokens you have when you cash out, the higher the value per Token (up to 8.55 per Token).   
18/04/2022 13:22
Manamas Mission
Manamas was created to allow people to participate and have their own business without having to spend or with little money and be able to earn great income from the comfort of their home. All it takes is to put in the effort needed to make your business a success. If someone works 4 to 5 hours per day, they can retire within 6 to 12 months. Think of it this way… when you work for someone else, you would have to have to get up from your comfortable bed and prepare yourself for 1 hour every day, 1 hour to get to work, work 8 hours and back home 1 hour, relax for 1 hour before you are really ready for the kids, partner, or friends. Calculate the time you spend to earn the money to pay for your expenses and maybe have little time to spend doing what you want. What a life, "living to...